

Little Big Scam

We were all elated when the little pantsuit-wearing bastard (North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il) released two journalists (?) to the husband of fellow pantsuit wearer and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. Fortunately for President Obama was spared further humiliation when Clinton's husband, a former President himself, did the honor of posing for a picture with the little tyrant.

In Slate, Christopher Hitchens takes the Administration to task:

"As of last week, and as the result of a huge investment of time and energy and prestige and forced politeness, we can now claim to have reduced the North Korean prison population by exactly two, and they were going to be released anyway. In return, we have immensely gratified and flattered the man who kidnapped them and who makes a daily mockery of international law. There was even "remorse" expressed. But guess by whom? Not by the slave master who makes his territory impossible to enter and impossible to leave. A lousy day's work."

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